Announcing the Analythium Hub

We are happy to announce that we are launching Analythium Hub! The Hub is the website for Analythium's GitHub organization. GitHub is a distributed version control and source code management system with code sharing and collaboration features. The ideal place for sharing our projects that we decided to publish under an open source software (OSS) license.

Analythium Hub | Analythium Hub
Cloud-native analytics powered by open source
The Analythium Hub

Why open source?

The Analythium Hub is the collection Analythium's open source software documentation where we also discuss technical topics. But why open source it? The open source software movement is responsible for the breakneck speed of innovation over the past decades. Innovation is achieved through open collaboration.

Analythium's mission is to help organizations to become data driven through powerful automation, analytics, and machine learning. One way of doing it is to share our knowledge with the developer community so that others can build on it and as a result provide services to more organizations. Many of the technologies we ourselves use is in fact open source.

Cloud-native analytics powered by open source

Nice, but you might ask, what's in it for us? Well, open source, by nature, is collaborative. That means others can contribute to projects led and maintained by Analythium. This includes important feedback, such as bug reports, bug fixes, feature requests, or even extensions of our work. These all add value to our clients because the software powering our application is vetted by others and as a result make more robust and secure.


Let's see a few examples hosted on our Hub. One is the COVID-19 app (see our post here). A dedicated GitHub repository contains the code for data integration, including web scraping, data cleaning, automated deployment of the data interface (API). This API is then called by the COVID-19 app to display daily case numbers for example. The app itself is hosted as an other repository on GitHub.

COVID-19 App
Interactive visualization for global COVID-19 data
COVID-19 app

Another example is our ShinyProxy 1-click app that lets people set up a server in minutes ready to host interactive web applications. This 1-click app is available in the DigitalOcean marketplace and is a result of our partnership with DigitalOcean, one of the top cloud service providers in the world.

ShinyProxy Hosting | DigitalOcean Marketplace 1-Click App
ShinyProxy is an open source platform to deploy R Shiny applications at scale in companies andlarger organizations. Shiny applications are interactive web applications for bringing datascience to end users. ShinyProxy builds on enterprise Java and Docker technology to meet corporate needs in depl…
ShinyProxy 1-click app

We will publish updates on this blog from time to time about recent developments on our open source Hub. So if you want to be in the loop, consider signing up for our newsletter below to get updates right into your inbox.

If you have data analytics and visualization needs, get in touch to learn more about how we can help.